Monday, June 28, 2010

A Visist to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston----Karen

This week we have a special trip, we did not go to a mesume as before, this is a visit is the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. There are 12 Federal Reserve Bank and a Central Bank in the United States.

Before we attend the bank ,we should checking our ID, then the staff give us the label of visitor. After that , we also must through the security check. It just like a airport.

After attentering the bank, we follow the tutor to the lobby and attend a video room, in that room, we watch the video about the bank and money. we also listen a presentation make us know what is the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Bank.

This a happy trip, I will never forget it.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you can write more details and give us a picture to think about
