Sunday, June 27, 2010

Federal Reserve band

Federal Reserve band
june 27 2010
Happy weekend come soon. It was sunny today on Friday, the teperature is suitble for us to have the trip. Our destination was the Federal Reserve band, we wen there on subway, it took us a little time to go there. lots all high buding sorround it, including it.
As we all know, Federal Reserve bank plays a important role in American economic, it adjust the currency or something factor in economy. meanwhile, the Federal Reserve bank have the communication with other bussiness banks. It gave other commercial bank loans, in order to control the other commercial banks, affect the entire U.S. economy. The United States regard it as another government for dealing with the inflation or deflation.
We can not take photo in the bank, because there are lots of important information in it. We have a presentation, may be some one will say it is boring, but it really help us increse more knowledge, also, we can know more about America through it.

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