Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Freedom Trail-----by Tony

Last Friday we went to the Freedom Trail. The walking tour of freedom trail in downtown Boston begins with the establishment of Boston in 1630. At the very beginning, we went to the Park Street Church which was also the place we assembled. That was a beautiful church which has a sparkling history. Designed by Peter Banner, the 217ft,steeple of this church was once the frist landmark travelers saw when approaching Boston. Then we moved to the Granary Burning Ground which was very magnific. Established in 1660, the Granary is notable as the resting place of Bostonn's most famous sons. Some say as a many as 8000 people were buried here. After go though the Granary, we went to the King's chapel and King's chapel burning ground which were also historic. Many famous area we have travelled but the most interesting part of this trail was Boston Latin school which was also the place i did my presentation. I did not know this place and had no interest to it at first, but since i've read about it history and started to learn about it, i found something quite meaningful in this place. Though it has been removed to another place.

Boston Latin School is a public exam school founded on April 23th ,1635. It was both the first public school and the oldest existing school in the United States. The public latin school was the bastion for educating the sons of Boston elite. Four signers of the Declaration of Independence graduated from this school and one the them was dropped. You might know, it is Franklin. Many celebrities were from this school actually. Finally, i found this trail was interesting and significant which had not considered and expected before,although the weather was too hot. Thank u very much,Professor.

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