Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Federal Reserve Band of Boston

Last Friday, I went to Federal Reserve Band of Boston and there was a little "accident" during my trip--I lost my team. However, lucky me, I found my team leader in South station after a long "discovery". Although I was a little bit late, I catch in the presentation in the end. To be honest, I felt a quite boring about the presentation becasue it looked like a general class not a trip, but I still learned a lot.

The Federal Reserve Bank can be regarded as another government of economic which helps to solve the problem of inflation and deflation. Also, it controls the currency which decided the living standard of people.
While, there are three ways of Federal Reserve band to control the economic of America. First and foremost, The Federal Reserve Band can inhibit inflation and motive deflation by selling or buying U.S Treasury bonds. Moreover, The Federal Reserve band can ask Commercial bank to keep constant percentage money which restricts the business of construction and banking credit system. Finally, The Federal Reserve Bank can put credit to Commercial banks in order to influence the decisions of Commercial Banks.
Those are my three most interested parts of the presentation.

1 comment:

  1. I was really interested in the trip. By the way, next time, you can arrive the place nearly.
