Monday, June 28, 2010

This weekend, I should visted the the Bank of Federal Reserve, but unfortunatelly I felt not very well. So I missed the good opportunity to know the banking system of America. There is no doubt that next time I will never miss the trip to understand American society.
The mid term exam is coming, many of my friends are very nervous. They afraid that they can not get a good mark, actually so am I. This exam is the first challange for our study life in America. So, we should review many courses now and this week I think I will very busy with my study. Whatever, I really hope that we can all well prepared and all of us can get a good grade.
At last, I am really looking forward to the next trip in America, and hope that I can be confidence to face the following challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Chris. i have a similar feeling as yours. i think that trip was great and meaningful.
