Wednesday, June 30, 2010

freedom trail

This week we went the freedom trail for field trip. The freedom trail is a long walk around downtown Boston which includes many historical spot of Boston. This long walk shows many detail of Boston history, for example, the King’s chapel stand for the historical period that America exist as a British colony and the old state house stand for the historical period of America as a independent country. Because of the existence of these two different eras there are two different American values, one is conservation the other one is liberal. Those history show me a different part of American culture, and I am very unpleasant about I cannot finish it.

federal reserve bank

This week we went to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of Boston. I am a business student so I love this kind of presentation that related to business system, that presentation basically told me the monetary policy of USA and how does the whole America financial system working. I was shocked by there are 12 FRB around the US. It means that there are 12 watching center are watching the economy system of the whole United States. I do not mean that 12 is too much, the thing that shock me was the federal need 12 FRB to watch the whole market. What a huge market it is!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A visit to the Fedral Reserve Bank of Boston

Last Friday, we went to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, also known as the Boston Fed. The first impression of this building on me was a tall and severe place that was the first district of the Federal Reserve. Then, we had a presentation of introduction about this bank. Through this presentation,i had a good knowledge of payment system. Payment system includes 3 different levels, and the first one was Board of governors,the second one was Federal Reserve bank,the third were members and other depository institutions. The relationshio among them was managed and controled from the first to the third, the most poweerful one is board of governors. Moreover, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston , Massachusetts's code was A1, meaning that dollar bills from it will have the letter A on them.It acted as a branch of nation's central bank, making contributions to local communities, the region, and the nation by the way of its" high-quality research, regulatory oversight, and financial services, andcommitment to leadership and innovation".( For the reason that i will major in Finance in NEU, this trip helps me learn a lot about the Banking system and i feel so happy of this trip.

Commemoration of the first month in America

I have stayed in the US more than one month. On sunday, I went to the Chinatown and ate chafing dish with my friends. Although its flavour can't be the same as which in China, I still thought it is very delicious. The other time on the weekend, I watched many movies that about zombie, I like the thriller movie, but not the film about ghost. Well, on monday, we have finished the midterm test of macroeconomics, by the way, I didn't review it last night. Therefore, what a bad situation for me! I still conquered it :).

Monday, June 28, 2010

the Bank of Federal Reserve

This Friday’s weather was so hot. We went to the Bank of Federal Reserve and listened to a meaningful presentation. The Federal Reserve System includes 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the bank in Boston is one of the 12.After the presentation, we got a package of tatter money as souvenir, how I wish I can restore the money.
Through the presentation, I know that the main duties of the Federal Reserve are taking the monetary policy, protecting consumer's right, balancing the finance system and providing other credible service. Others, I cannot remember very clearly but know most of the bank.
Actually I feel the trip was boring although this is the special bank different from others, and I have to admit it was the meaningful trip.
This week will welcome the mid-term examination and I wish we could get a satisfied result.

The visit of the Federal Reserve Bank

This Friday, we went to the Federal Reserve Bank in Boston, which is one of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks together divide the nation into twelve Federal Reserve Districts. During the visit of the Bank, we were provided a presentation by one of the officers of the Bank. According to the book The Federal Reserve System Purposes and Functions, the Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. "It was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. However, over the years, its role in banking and the economy has expanded."

The Federal Reserve Bank issues but not prints money and money is not backed by gold or silver. And the Federal Reserve Bank is independent within the government, and it is self-financed and therefore is not subject to the congressional budgetary process. The responsibilities of the Federal Reserve Bank are Monetary Policy, Payment System and Bank Regulation and Supervison. From the Internet, Monetary policy is made by the Federal Open Market Committee, which consists of the members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and five Reserve Bank presidents. And the Federal Reserve Banks offers a wide range of payment services to banks and other depository institutions. These services include distributing and receiving the nation's currency and coin, collecting checks, and electronically transferring funds among banks.

The Federal Reserve

Actually, I think this is the most boring trip compared with others. The Federal Reserve leaves mysterious impression in my memory. However, I am disappointed when I see it. The name The Federal Reserve is absolutely more gorgeous than People’s Bank of China. On the contrary, the function of them is almost the same and the building of The Federal Reserve is less spectacular.
The Federal Reserve lacks affinity when ensure public security reprimands Anthony that do not take photo with him. I really desire to stay outside. Moreover, I also find some details which I think is a little bit affected. For instance, there is a signal written ‘No Smoking’ outside which is unnecessary and even a little bit strange in my opinion.
We get a presentation underground and it tells me that how the federal bank works. I doubt that only twelve branches can work efficiently in America which has large flow in economy, especially in California, which the bank needs to contain work from Alaska and Hawaii. The most attractive thing is that I find that the biggest par value of dollars is one hundred thousand but not one hundred. It stimulates me to earn more money because it is so attractive that only one piece can afford to my whole tuition.
It is hot that day, so I do not want to finish my freedom trail. I just finish this program with low mood.

The visiting of the Bank of Federal Reserve

The visiting of the Bank of Federal Reserve
Nick Zhou Jiayu
This weekend, it is wonderful weekend, we visited the Bank of Federal Reserve.
It is a important trip for me, because my major is Risk Management and Insurance, it belongs to Business. This trip is very useful for me. It let me know much about the system of economy in Amreican , the relationship between governments and firms. And the work system of banks, what a role banks play in the society. The trip gives me great help, maybe it will help me to make contributions in my academic career. It is a valuable wealth in my life, I will cherish it and remember it. it will be a good memory.
All in all, it is really a wonderful trip, it let us to understand much knowlege that we do not know before, I will remember the trip and the useful things which I learn!

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Last Friday, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.As part of the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston promotes sound growth and financial stability in New England and the nation. The Bank contributes to local communities, the region, and the nation through its high-quality research, regulatory oversight, and financial services, and through its commitment to leadership and innovation.During last Friday's trip, there was a valuable presentation about the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. It told a lot about this bank and it was really meaningful. And of course, I have learned substantial knowledge from it.

A Visist to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston----Karen

This week we have a special trip, we did not go to a mesume as before, this is a visit is the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. There are 12 Federal Reserve Bank and a Central Bank in the United States.

Before we attend the bank ,we should checking our ID, then the staff give us the label of visitor. After that , we also must through the security check. It just like a airport.

After attentering the bank, we follow the tutor to the lobby and attend a video room, in that room, we watch the video about the bank and money. we also listen a presentation make us know what is the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Bank.

This a happy trip, I will never forget it.
This weekend, I should visted the the Bank of Federal Reserve, but unfortunatelly I felt not very well. So I missed the good opportunity to know the banking system of America. There is no doubt that next time I will never miss the trip to understand American society.
The mid term exam is coming, many of my friends are very nervous. They afraid that they can not get a good mark, actually so am I. This exam is the first challange for our study life in America. So, we should review many courses now and this week I think I will very busy with my study. Whatever, I really hope that we can all well prepared and all of us can get a good grade.
At last, I am really looking forward to the next trip in America, and hope that I can be confidence to face the following challenge.

the Federal Reserve

Last week, I visited Bank of The Federal Reserve, which was built in 1913. Bank of The Federal Reserve develops and implements the monetary policy, consummates payment system and performances bank regulation and supervision. The bank has 3 characteristics that it issues but does not print money; money is not back by gold or silver, and the bank independents within the government.
Moreover, board of government is the top of the Federal Reserve System. It controls the Federal Reserve. The second floor is federal open market committee, and the third is Federal Reserve Bank. The bottle of the system is American people. This diagram illustrates the structure of the Federal Reserve. Let us understand the function and effects.
In addition, we learnt more about identify the authenticity of money. On the paper dollars, there are head portraits of several presidents in America. One more characteristic of paper dollars, there are watermark on them.
Finally, I have great time during this trip.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Federal Reserve band

Federal Reserve band
june 27 2010
Happy weekend come soon. It was sunny today on Friday, the teperature is suitble for us to have the trip. Our destination was the Federal Reserve band, we wen there on subway, it took us a little time to go there. lots all high buding sorround it, including it.
As we all know, Federal Reserve bank plays a important role in American economic, it adjust the currency or something factor in economy. meanwhile, the Federal Reserve bank have the communication with other bussiness banks. It gave other commercial bank loans, in order to control the other commercial banks, affect the entire U.S. economy. The United States regard it as another government for dealing with the inflation or deflation.
We can not take photo in the bank, because there are lots of important information in it. We have a presentation, may be some one will say it is boring, but it really help us increse more knowledge, also, we can know more about America through it.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Federal Reserve Band of Boston

Last Friday, I went to Federal Reserve Band of Boston and there was a little "accident" during my trip--I lost my team. However, lucky me, I found my team leader in South station after a long "discovery". Although I was a little bit late, I catch in the presentation in the end. To be honest, I felt a quite boring about the presentation becasue it looked like a general class not a trip, but I still learned a lot.

The Federal Reserve Bank can be regarded as another government of economic which helps to solve the problem of inflation and deflation. Also, it controls the currency which decided the living standard of people.
While, there are three ways of Federal Reserve band to control the economic of America. First and foremost, The Federal Reserve Band can inhibit inflation and motive deflation by selling or buying U.S Treasury bonds. Moreover, The Federal Reserve band can ask Commercial bank to keep constant percentage money which restricts the business of construction and banking credit system. Finally, The Federal Reserve Bank can put credit to Commercial banks in order to influence the decisions of Commercial Banks.
Those are my three most interested parts of the presentation.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Freedom Trail-----by Tony

Last Friday we went to the Freedom Trail. The walking tour of freedom trail in downtown Boston begins with the establishment of Boston in 1630. At the very beginning, we went to the Park Street Church which was also the place we assembled. That was a beautiful church which has a sparkling history. Designed by Peter Banner, the 217ft,steeple of this church was once the frist landmark travelers saw when approaching Boston. Then we moved to the Granary Burning Ground which was very magnific. Established in 1660, the Granary is notable as the resting place of Bostonn's most famous sons. Some say as a many as 8000 people were buried here. After go though the Granary, we went to the King's chapel and King's chapel burning ground which were also historic. Many famous area we have travelled but the most interesting part of this trail was Boston Latin school which was also the place i did my presentation. I did not know this place and had no interest to it at first, but since i've read about it history and started to learn about it, i found something quite meaningful in this place. Though it has been removed to another place.

Boston Latin School is a public exam school founded on April 23th ,1635. It was both the first public school and the oldest existing school in the United States. The public latin school was the bastion for educating the sons of Boston elite. Four signers of the Declaration of Independence graduated from this school and one the them was dropped. You might know, it is Franklin. Many celebrities were from this school actually. Finally, i found this trail was interesting and significant which had not considered and expected before,although the weather was too hot. Thank u very much,Professor.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The 4th week

The only day that interesting in this week is Friday. Colorful Friday,meaningful Friday, sunny Friday. We had a trip along the freedom trail, we visited 12 places including the historic churches, schools and burial grounds. Although the warm sunshine made us feel hot and tired, we have not stopped our footstep. When we arrived a scenery spot, one of our classmates did a presentation to introduce there for us, what place I have prepared is the Old State House, the Declaration of Independence was read for Boston people from its balcony. I like the Park Street Church best, actually that is my first time visited a church, it is really similar to my impression from the television, sacred,mysterious and beautiful.

After the trip, I went to get my bank card and my friend Kiya stayed with me. Then we did some shopping around there, there are many shops and we bought a lot of things we like. Money flies, oh no. Kiya and I felt that day is the most fascinating day. Afterwards, we seemed lose our direction but unexpectedly arrived downtown and had the dinner in McDonald's.

What's more, we went to the gym this week. Usually we always passed it and saw some people did exercise in it, never entered. Because we think if we keep eating so much fried food, we must overweight when we back to China. It is the most terrible thing for girls, you know.The only way to keep fit is exercising. Running, riding and other sports can help us lose calories. Sweat is what we want to see. However, after the exercises, we went to the dinning hall and have the dinner, again.

Every weekends fly fast, during the sleeping, shopping, chatting and movie time. I expect tomorrow will be a nice sunny day!

The Third Firday Trip ---- Karen

This Firday, we also had a trip. However, compared this week's trip and two weeks' before, there are quite different. In this trip, we not only to visit a local, but more. We chosen a place before we came there, and do presentation in front it. We should introduced the senic sport to others.

Although, we had a long trip in Friday, but we were exciting. This trip was not only to play, but also was a kind of exerice. Through the introduction of the presentation, we are also in self understanging. This way allows us to better and moer profound understanding in the United States.

This trip given us a precious excrise and valuable experience.

Happy Freedom Trail~

Last Friday , we had a happy field trip in downtown,Boston. This city left me such a deep impression that combines classical and mordern style, attrcting me a lot. we went to the Freedom Trail, which stands many senses of mystery and antiquity. Walking on Freedom Trail,air filled with historical atmosphere around me,i thought i was back to the past. What impressed me most is King's chape, founded in 1686 by Royal Andros of Province of New England,under the rule of King Jame II of England. Futhermore, it was the first Anglican Church in New England .As a small wooden meeting house at the corner of Tremont and School Streets, the gowing congregations acquired more land on the east side of its lot. Then ,Peter Harrison redesigned King's Chapel ,which was built of stone to replace the wooden church.Entering the church, the organ in King's chapel told us that music was an important part of this church, so many famous musicans were from this church, such as William Price , King's chapel's first musician .Today it is an independent Christian church with a Unitarian Christian theology.Recital per week on Tuesday attracts many visitors.Although this church is so small, it covers much historical meaning ,this is why oceans of people want to visit here.

The freedom trail

This weekend, I visited many places in Boston downtown, which all of the places have reflected the American history and spirit. All the places such as The Boston Common, Park Street Church and so on are attractive to me; especially the King Chapel and King's Chapel Burying Ground, in which the people played the music in the ancient time. It looks like a church and let me felt very hallow and stately.
The weather in Boston of this week is so hot, so it is a difficult thing to walk in the strret in such a hot day. But to my surprise, the weather in Boston is easily to change. Usually it was sunny, but after a moment the weather maybe turned to heavily rainy. Few days ago, I expereniced the strongest wind in Boston, which hardly can the people walk in the street conveniet and the unbrellas were almost been blowed down.
I hope this weekend will also funny.

Granary burying ground

i would say that this place was literally the very magnetic attraction that never fail my facination among all those attractions we have went through during last friday.The many trees around graves have formed a shelter of silence above this scred location. And under the atmosphere of green are the eternity memory of the ancesters and those bouncing beasties jump around at the back of tombstones. Granary burying ground, as the thired oldest cemetery in Boston, homed many patriots and victims of the Revolutionary war. Additonally, another fascinating part is the gate and fence of this cemetery. I had noticed that the gate and fence of this ground is kinda diferent with what i thought the classical style of western architecture might looks like.The Egyptian revival which come into my knowledge for the first time after some little research on the internet. I have took some pictures as well and i would love to share with you.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The freedom trail

Freedom trail and wonderful night

June 21

Have fun in recent time. You know, I have been to watch the NBA final, it is such an amazing game, I have never seen so exciting game before. We several USPP students go to TD garden together. Even the price for ticket is expensive, but, we still buy it. I have a dream about watching NBA on-spot. Now, it comes true.
The atmosphere is really exciting, all of the fans keep on yelling, it seems like a big bong, you can no image how exciting on-spot. I really feel the American fans’ warm-hearted.
When Boston gets ball, all the fans put their hands up. They hope Celtic will win the game. In this case, when Lakers are getting the ball, they will feel very anxious. Mach keeps on, the atmosphere didn’t decrease. During the mid rest, I also buy a cup and cloth to cheer Celtic on, I hope Celtic win in this race.

Yesterday, i have freedom trail, we have presentations once we get each scenic spts, it is lucky to find Bsoton have so much wonderful scenery for visit, especially, the church there is very beautiful, there is a graveyard near church, i think they must be famous person who made a significant controbution to Bsonton. i have a presentation about the Faneuil Hall, it is a meeting place for Boston tee party, with time goes on, it become a place for market, it was rebuilt 1763 when it burned down. it is a memerial place for every citizen.

The freedom Trail

Last Friday, we have a freedom trail, we visited some view spots of Boston, these view spots to measure up to cultural heritages of America. After the visiting, I have lots of reflections.
These view spots includes the Boston Common, Park Street Church, the Old South Meeting House and so on. Among these cultural heritages, the Boston Common gives me very deep impreesion." the Boston Common established in 1634, Boston Common is America's oldest public park. Puritan colonists purchased the land rights to the Common's 44 acres from first settler of the area." The history of the Boston Common is so long, the skin of the Boston Common is lined with age. when I saw it , it seems that I come back to the history. It identify the course of history, everyone who saw it should remember the Boston Common, it's really a good place for visiting!
By the way, the other places is also really good, they represent the cultural identity of America, I think it's a rewarding trip for me, I'm so glad to have this trip!

the freedom trip

Last Friday, I had a freedom trip and visited many places and classical buildings. Through the trip, I realized a sense of mystery and antiquity. There are 4 places make me remain fresh in my memory.
First of all, Boston common is a very wonderful garden that locates in the center of Boston. Virtually, I heard the place several years ago. My friend in china, who went to the Boston common, said it was a fantastic park. There are many pigeons and squirrels around the park. To tell the truth, it is a good place to go for an outing.
Moreover, besides the park, Park Street Church is still tower aloft. It is a historical building in the nation. “This church is horror by supporting of women’s suffrage and anti-slavery. By the church’s architecture, human rights and social justice has been reflected.” (Park street church) All in all, it is a beautiful building.
In addition, Granary Burying Ground is a cemetery. In the center of the Boston, the cemetery is still peace. There are approximately 500 children buried around the ground. They might be heroes of this nation. My friend told me, the cemetery like a memorial park and many people will mourn them in a special day.
Finally, the trip was not finished, but we indeed had a great fun on the Friday.

The Freedom Trail

Celia Yu
Phyllis Mior
Exploring America
June 20, 2010

On June 18, 2010, we went to The Freedom Trail. Everyoen who comes to Boston should first visit this trail, and it is prevalent among people. According to some information from website, this trail is the richest history of America's Revolution--the events that led up to the historic break from Britain and the brave people who shaped our national government. This is a 2.5 miles trail with red-brick through Boston Common to Bunker Hill Monument. Along this trail, there are 16 significant historic sites, such as The Boston Common, which is America's oldest park, originally used as grazing ground for livestock, and The Old South Meeting House, which is a Puritan meeting house that was where the Boston Tea Party revolt began, and The Old North Church, whch played an important role in the Revolutionary War.

Owing to the hot weather that day, although we did not finish the trail, we have felt the atmosphere, and assimilated ourselves into this trail. Among those historic sites, the one impressed me is The Old North Church, even if I did not visit this site. Because this church has the tallest steeple, about 191 feet. And in my imagination, the tallest steeple will make the church looks more dignified, and sacred.

The Freedom Trail

Last Friday, I went to the Freedom Trail with my group. During this trail, I thought it was very valuable and meaningful. This first stop of this trail was The Boston Common; it is American’s oldest park, originally used as grazing ground for livestock. Then, we went to the Park Street Church, Boston Latin School, the Old South Meeting House and so on. When we were visiting the sights, some of the students needed to do a presentation about each view. And my presentation was about the Old North Church, which is the oldest surviving church in Boston (1723) and the one with the tallest steeple (191 feet). In the meantime, this church plays an important role in the Revolutionary War. All in all, this trail had attracted me a lot.