Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A visit to Harvard

Last Friday, we went to Harvard university--the most famous university in the world. Actually, we went there once at the first week after we arrived in Boston. Last time, we were not familiar with the routes, and we just went our visit according to the google map. And we did not even know any background of the buildings in the campus.
Fortunately, this time we had a tour guide who introduced a lot of things about the Harvard University. From her introduction, we knew Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Harvard was named by its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown. He left his library and half of his estate to the new institution. We visited Library, Massachusetts Hall, Science Building and so on. At each spot, the guide told us a lots about Harvard.
After the visit, I found that the spots were almost the same as we went last time. It made me pleased that we did not go to wrong places.

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