Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Black Heritage Trail

This friday we had a trip along the Black Hertage Trail. It's really important for us to understand more and have more deeply impression about the history of the United States especailly Boston. Actually the day was really hot and fortunately i took the water wisely.
Something i felt sorry was that i lated for the trip because i missed the time to see my classmates in lobby and the same situation faced with Sheng. We tried to find the place that our classmates told us where were they but it was too hard for us to find the way in such a strange city. We walked depended on the terrible map and kept asking the passerby even used the GPS. Eventually we met the class at the Lewis and Harriet Hayden House and gave the presentation at next destination--John Coburn House.
It seems everyone was tired, hot and lack of water because of the sunshine. The Black Heritage Trail was just too long and compare to this, i expect more about next week's trip to the Harvard, if that day will not be so hot.

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