Monday, July 5, 2010

the State House

Last Friday, I visited the State House with my classmates. The State House was built in 1700’s on Beacon Hill and besides the Boston Common. Particularly, many significant announcements were published, and some congresses were convened in here. And it makes me felt a solemn atmosphere around here.
My favorite part is House of Representatives, which on the third floor. In this room, there are many pictures about revolution. I can imagine that many senators around here and discussed some proposals. However, it was my first time to visit the meeting place of government. I was most impressive on the classical and stately of House of Representatives.
Moreover, Senate Reception Room with old fashion is luxurious room. It is spacious that can contain a number of people. Actually, this room is diminutive meeting room. But I think it is like a retiring room, which some people can take sites around one desk, and more relax than in House of Representatives.
After visited to State House, I walked around Boston Common. There were good weather to wander.

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