Thursday, July 8, 2010

The State House----tony

Last Friday we went to the State House which is near Park Street. The weather was hot but every one of us held a passionate expectation and got energy to that trial.The buliding of the State House is quite enormous which is about three blocks of ordinary ones. It has a garden in the front. Actuallt this is a "New" statehouse which was bulit after Civil Wars. Before this State House was finished in 1798, MA government sat in the old state house on Court street. It was designed by an architect called Charles Bulfinch.

What i am interested in is its dome. I was told that its original one was a wood dome which leaked in 1802. The dome was first painted frey and then light yellow before gilded with gold leaf in 1874. Moreover, there are a lot of sculptures in this building which are also amazing and beautiful, those sculptures which are meaningful also have short stories behind them. We've visited the House of Representatives and the House of Senate. Each position of chair and desk are all elaborate and unique. I really enjoy this trip.

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