Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Black Heritage Trail

On this Friday, I went on the Black Heritage Trail and I had done a presentation there. This time, my presentation was about the Phillips school.

The Phillips School, which occupies a prominent location on the corner of Pinckney and Anderson Streets, was built between 1823 and 1825. The architecture of this building is typical of 19thcentury Boston schools. The building was first used by the English High School, but it was converted to a grammar school in 1844. The grammar school was named after the first mayor of Boston, John Phillips, who was the father of famed abolitionist Wendell Phillips.( Boston African American)

I think this presentation was totally different from the last one, because it was so hot and noisy for doing the presentation about downtown crossing last time. And during this presentation, the temperature was very nice and the situation around us was silence. It was so good for me to do this presentation and I felt very well.

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