Wednesday, July 7, 2010

State house

After American Revolution, the American built the state house to reflect the prosperous new public better and expand the space of government bigger. Charles Bulfinch designed the new state house in Beacon Hill of Boston in 1798.
I was impressed deeply by the state house. The house is grand sight and majesty with gold roof outside. While, it is fantastic and amazing head sculpture of with outstanding people inside. The house looks like a little bit the splendour of a palace which attracted me. Visiting the state house helped me realizing the American history a lot and made me have a new impression of state house.
From my personal view, the most essential part of state house is the two women statues on the lawns of the state house-- Anne Hutchinson and Mary Dyer who influence the whole politics of American history. The women began to work in government and had effect in polity. It is the new start of American history and the transform of women life.
I learned a lot after visiting state house.

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