Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Black Heritage Trail--Celia

Last Friday, we went on a tour, whick called the Black Heritage Trail. Unfortunately, it was a very hot day, so it was not suitable for us to take this trail, but we did. I cannot help to wondering that why every Friday the weather is that hot.
We began with Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Regiment Memorial. The students who played the role of guides stood in front of us and introduced something about the place. Even though I stood close to them, I can only heard a little voice of them. I lose my concentration because of the hot weather and noisy in the street. I and my partner introduced the third site, the Phillips School. As my reacher, this school is typical of 19th century Boston schoolhouses. It is established in 1824, but before 1855, black and white students were separated in different floors and classrooms. However, when the segregated schools were abolished by legislative act, the Phillips School became one of Boston's first schools with an interracial student body. I think it is significant in the history of African American.
Although I did not enjoy much in this trail, but it is necessary for us to know the importance of this trail. It is Boston's black history, a treasure and evidence of black heritage.

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