Wednesday, July 7, 2010

the State House

Last Friday, we went to the Massachusetts State House, and it is near the Boston Common on the top of Beacon Hill, built in 1798. When I arrived the State House, I felt this structure is so magnificent that I cannot help to stop to appreciate it for a while. We entered this building, and the grand marble-floored corridors astonished us. This time, we visited with a guided tour, so she helped us know more about the State House.
First, at the outside of Doric Hall, we saw the State House Model. It is almost the same as the building itself except the color of the dome. After the Model, we entered Doric Hall. As the guide introduced, Doric Hall contains statues, portraits and military artifacts reflecting many periods of Massachusetts history. Across the Doric Hall, it is Nurses Hall, because there is an Army war nurse and this was also the first statue erected in honor of the women of the North after the Civil War. The most impressive parts of this tour are House of Representatives and Senate Chamber. At the back of the House of Representatives, the only feeling is solemn. Representatives push the button on the desks to vote. Senate Chamber is very spacious, which is directly below the golden dome.

1 comment:

  1. nice, by the way, did u buy some souvenirs at the Lobby of State House? They are pretty and cute.
