Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hangout in downtown crossing

I spent my precious Sunday with couple of friends hangout in downtown crossing this weekend. We got there after lunch time, and like all guys might wanna do, we spent a long time at the video game shop 'Game Stop' right after we got there. After that was shopping time, joel was trying to buy a shirt, he tried all of the sizes that the shop has, but none of them fits him, they were all to big for him. The most exciting thing i wanna talk about was a shop with stree frontage that sells photographs. There were a couple sat there and sell photographs they've took during the past two years, those photoes were cool, especially the one that a lightning just flashing above a church, it has amazing composition and was great timing for the shot. What i was more appreciate was their travel experience and their attitude toward life of journey. We've talked a lot about travel around and photo taking. It is always so nice to talk to someone who could share the same expectation and understanding of life.Though sunshine burns, i had a great weekend.

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