Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The trip to Harvard University

Last Friday, I went to the trip to Harvard University. In my mind, going to Harvard University is one the biggest dream in my life. Because when I was very young, my mother had told me that if I can go to study in Harvard University one day, it means that I am a very talent person. Today, even though I am not studying in the Harvard and merely go to visit Harvard University, I think I can enjoy the situation which is the symbol of the best education among the world.

Harvard University (officially The President and Fellows of Harvard College) is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Established in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the first corporation chartered in the United States and oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. The university currently comprises ten separate academic units. Harvard has the largest financial endowment of any school in the world, standing at $26 billion as of September 2009. Harvard is consistently ranked as a leading academic institution in the world by numerous media and academic rankings.( Wekipedia)

The Black Heritage Trail

On this Friday, I went on the Black Heritage Trail and I had done a presentation there. This time, my presentation was about the Phillips school.

The Phillips School, which occupies a prominent location on the corner of Pinckney and Anderson Streets, was built between 1823 and 1825. The architecture of this building is typical of 19thcentury Boston schools. The building was first used by the English High School, but it was converted to a grammar school in 1844. The grammar school was named after the first mayor of Boston, John Phillips, who was the father of famed abolitionist Wendell Phillips.( Boston African American)

I think this presentation was totally different from the last one, because it was so hot and noisy for doing the presentation about downtown crossing last time. And during this presentation, the temperature was very nice and the situation around us was silence. It was so good for me to do this presentation and I felt very well.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Federal Reserve Bank______by Tony

Last Friday, we wen to the Federal Reserve Bank which i was also expected to. Because my major is Accounting and Finance, which is connected with Banking system. I had a big interest on this trip and i was fully passionate.
The Federal Reserve Bank in Boston has a enormous building which matches its significant function in the banking system. We listened to a presatation in the underfloor of that building. I was curious about what exactly is in this mainly government owned bank, but the pity was that we could not enter the working places or even have a look.
In the presatation, we have been told that this bank was first created in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. It can response a series of banking financial panics in case of an financial crisis or unecpected event. Event such as Great Recession or Depression were major foctors leading to changes in the system. Its duties today, according to the authorization of the Congress, are to conduct the nation's monetary policy by influencing monetary and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of maximum employment, stable prices level, and moderate long-term interest rate. Otherwise, it is able to supervise and regulate the commercial bank institutions to ensure the safty and soundness of the nation's banking and financial system. Furthermore, it also mantains stability of the financial system and contain systemic risk that may arise in financial market. Finally, it provides financial services to depository institutions, the U.S government, and foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating nation's payments system.
I really enjoted this trip and i believe all of our classmates were appreciated. Because we all learned lot of new knowledge about American banking system and some financial information.Thanks a lot to our Professor.


I did not went to the Friday trip to Harverd because I must attended a important meeting last week.

Although I could not went to Harverd with my group, but I also visted it when I came to the US. So it was not a pity that I missed the trip.

I can not express Harverd in my own words, it was long time before and I almost forgot it, and also did not which place they visited in harverd in the Trip.

Black Heritage Trail--Karen

We had a long trip in the Friday trip two weeks ago. We walked long across many famous House and did presentation for them.

We started in 1:oo p.m and it was a hot day. We should walk around a big area and sometimes we almost went a wrong way.

In the short break time, I just went to 7-11 to buy some drink with my friends, when we came out, our group was disappered. we try to found them, because of the high temperture and the strange way, we almost given up. But at last, we also found them. Thank goodness.

I do not like a trip in a hot day, it may broing.

The Massachusetts State House--Karen

The magnificent setting of our state government for over two centuries has become an outstanding museum reflecting the history of Massachusetts since colonial times. Of couse, the State House is also avital place of work for the leadership who guide the state today.

Three weeks ago, I also went there for a visit in the Friday trip. The security check also very strict. Attended the State House, our tutor leaded us and listened to speech by the staff in the State House.
We visted around the State House and taken pictures. It also was a interesting trip.


I have saw a grand fireworks in Independence Day in Boston. It was the first time I saw the fireworks in America when I came here.

I went to there with my friend, and people crowded around the river. We were not sure what time was the fireworks start, so we got there a little early about 9:30.

We were waited there for a long time. The fireworks started in 10:30! We felt boring, hot, and thirsty. We were complained that why the fireworks start so late and why we did not brought a bottle of water in our bag.

However, the fireworks shocked us. It was really gorgeous and grand.

apologise --Karen

I must do apologise that I missed several week's blog. I don't know what should I say. Every week we should write a tirp blog, for the trip, for our thought.

however, I think the blog almost like homework. The tirp maybe very boring, but we must to go. We have no choice.

Although I missed so much week's blog, but I also can write them as soon as possible. Please forget me.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Harvard University

Last Friday, we went to the Harvard University and it really amazing me a lot. In my impression, the Harvard University should be different from others. However, when we arrived there, i feel it is just like other university but more tourists visit there for its reputation.
We visited different halls and the guide had presentations for us to introduce each hall and we took photos with Mr.Harvard, so that we hope we could get a higher GPA and have a chance to enter the Harvard University. It may occured, i think.
Then we went to the shops to buy some souvenirs such as cups, clothes, key rings and so on. The weather is still to hot and makes us feel uncomfotable although the trip is really meaningful. Hopefully after this trip, when we enter Harvard University again, the identity of us is not a visiter but a student in it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A visit to Harvard

Last Friday, we went to Harvard university--the most famous university in the world. Actually, we went there once at the first week after we arrived in Boston. Last time, we were not familiar with the routes, and we just went our visit according to the google map. And we did not even know any background of the buildings in the campus.
Fortunately, this time we had a tour guide who introduced a lot of things about the Harvard University. From her introduction, we knew Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Harvard was named by its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown. He left his library and half of his estate to the new institution. We visited Library, Massachusetts Hall, Science Building and so on. At each spot, the guide told us a lots about Harvard.
After the visit, I found that the spots were almost the same as we went last time. It made me pleased that we did not go to wrong places.

Harvard University

Last Friday, we visited Harvard University with a very hot weather. We walked around the campus with a guide. I do not remember her name, but I think she is a very kind girl. After the trip we took the photo. However, around the campus, dorm of students and fountain in front of the science center are most impressed on my mind.
Most obviously, the dorms of the students are old buildings on the campus near the library. There are mystical and ancient atmosphere around the dorms, because of the common bricks. It is a pity that we can not visit inside of the dorm. The fountain in front of the science center is a wonderful place. Many people have fun around the place. Some children were happy to play the water.
Nowadays, I recall the situation and feel joyful. After the trip, my friends and I walked around on the campus. It is an amazing trip.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Visit to the state house

Last friday, I visited the state house of Boston. When I saw the building at the first time, I was attracted by its architectural style. It was to stand out in the sunshine, with a big and golden rounding top. I think it was very fascinting.
When I entry in the house, a big fresco was draw all over the wall, and many historical statuas were exhibited in the house. We were all followed the toursit guide, from his explianation, I have learned lot of Ameica history knowledge.
After I visited the house, I also walked in the park street with my friend. It is a good opportunity to learn practise my English when talk with the people or salesman in the shop.
That was a good day.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Black Heritage Trail--Celia

Last Friday, we went on a tour, whick called the Black Heritage Trail. Unfortunately, it was a very hot day, so it was not suitable for us to take this trail, but we did. I cannot help to wondering that why every Friday the weather is that hot.
We began with Robert Gould Shaw and 54th Regiment Memorial. The students who played the role of guides stood in front of us and introduced something about the place. Even though I stood close to them, I can only heard a little voice of them. I lose my concentration because of the hot weather and noisy in the street. I and my partner introduced the third site, the Phillips School. As my reacher, this school is typical of 19th century Boston schoolhouses. It is established in 1824, but before 1855, black and white students were separated in different floors and classrooms. However, when the segregated schools were abolished by legislative act, the Phillips School became one of Boston's first schools with an interracial student body. I think it is significant in the history of African American.
Although I did not enjoy much in this trail, but it is necessary for us to know the importance of this trail. It is Boston's black history, a treasure and evidence of black heritage.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

State house and the fireworks

We had a wonderful weekend both for its long time and the two field trips. We went to the state house of massachusetts on Friday, it was hot out there, but cool inside the building. The building was amazing for its nicely color matching and beautiful golden vault.
According to the history of this building, this state house was a new one, at learst newer than the one built before the revolutionary war.
The other cool field trip was the firework show after the july 4th. We went to the esplandade at 9PM and after approximately two hours of waiting, the expected firework show finally begun. It was great, and that was the first time i've ever seen so many people gather together in this country.There were some pics i took and would like to share with u

Hangout in downtown crossing

I spent my precious Sunday with couple of friends hangout in downtown crossing this weekend. We got there after lunch time, and like all guys might wanna do, we spent a long time at the video game shop 'Game Stop' right after we got there. After that was shopping time, joel was trying to buy a shirt, he tried all of the sizes that the shop has, but none of them fits him, they were all to big for him. The most exciting thing i wanna talk about was a shop with stree frontage that sells photographs. There were a couple sat there and sell photographs they've took during the past two years, those photoes were cool, especially the one that a lightning just flashing above a church, it has amazing composition and was great timing for the shot. What i was more appreciate was their travel experience and their attitude toward life of journey. We've talked a lot about travel around and photo taking. It is always so nice to talk to someone who could share the same expectation and understanding of life.Though sunshine burns, i had a great weekend.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Black Heritage Trail

This friday we had a trip along the Black Hertage Trail. It's really important for us to understand more and have more deeply impression about the history of the United States especailly Boston. Actually the day was really hot and fortunately i took the water wisely.
Something i felt sorry was that i lated for the trip because i missed the time to see my classmates in lobby and the same situation faced with Sheng. We tried to find the place that our classmates told us where were they but it was too hard for us to find the way in such a strange city. We walked depended on the terrible map and kept asking the passerby even used the GPS. Eventually we met the class at the Lewis and Harriet Hayden House and gave the presentation at next destination--John Coburn House.
It seems everyone was tired, hot and lack of water because of the sunshine. The Black Heritage Trail was just too long and compare to this, i expect more about next week's trip to the Harvard, if that day will not be so hot.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Black Heritage trail

Last Friday, I visited the place of Black Heritage with my team members. That was a very hot day, and many people got tired. Virtually, I enjoyed in this trail. Besides Boston Common, the Beacon Hill is my favorite part of this trail. There are many buildings which are the typical example of Boston’s home. Many houses built by African Americans.
In the trial, I had a presentation about George Middleton House. It is a grey little house that houses made up red bricks on the both sides. This house is a historic building on the Beacon Hill. By Geoge Middleton and Louis Glapion constructing, the house became an activities center of Boston’s African American Community. Many people visit this house, now.
On the Beacon Hill, many house with some beautiful flowers that may be the characteristics of American old buildings. The environment of the street is very clean and silent. It is a good place to take a walk. However, the weather was too hot to finish the entire place. An ice-cream is a wonderful thing during the trail.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

State House, Boston

Last Friday, I went to the State House of Massachusetts. The Massachusetts State House was built between 1795 and 1797 on Beacon Hill and overlooks the Boston Common. The site, a pasture owned by John Hancock, which was lowered 50 ft for the construction of the State House.
The self-taught architect Charles Bulfinch, who also built state houses for Connecticut and Maine, based his design for the state house on the Somerset House in London.The building's front features an elevated portico with a series of Corinthian columns. The red brick facade was painted white in 1825 and remained painted until 1928 when the bricks were exposed again. The bricks' red color contrasts nicely with the white columns.
One of the sights which most attracted me was the large gilded dome. The large gilded dome is topped with a lantern and pinecone, symbol of the forests of Massachusetts. The dome was originally made of wood shingles. These were replaced in 1802 with copper.
In 1861, the dome was gilded and this remained so ever since, except during the Second World War, when it was painted black. In 1895 the state house was expanded with a large, yellow-colored annex, and in 1917 marble wings were added.
All in all, this trip was valuable and meaningful.

The State House----tony

Last Friday we went to the State House which is near Park Street. The weather was hot but every one of us held a passionate expectation and got energy to that trial.The buliding of the State House is quite enormous which is about three blocks of ordinary ones. It has a garden in the front. Actuallt this is a "New" statehouse which was bulit after Civil Wars. Before this State House was finished in 1798, MA government sat in the old state house on Court street. It was designed by an architect called Charles Bulfinch.

What i am interested in is its dome. I was told that its original one was a wood dome which leaked in 1802. The dome was first painted frey and then light yellow before gilded with gold leaf in 1874. Moreover, there are a lot of sculptures in this building which are also amazing and beautiful, those sculptures which are meaningful also have short stories behind them. We've visited the House of Representatives and the House of Senate. Each position of chair and desk are all elaborate and unique. I really enjoy this trip.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

National day of America.

This Sunday, is the national day of the US. I went to the Charles River with my friends, there are so many people that stand in the side of river, we are all waiting for the same thing---fireworks. Last time which I saw the fireworks is the Spring Festival in China. On that day, people's enthusiasm affect me, we all felt cheerful atmosphere around whole city, it is really a happy night for us. On Friday, we went to the State House which government work in. It is a old and beautiful building that is filled with political air.

the State House

Last Friday, we went to the Massachusetts State House, and it is near the Boston Common on the top of Beacon Hill, built in 1798. When I arrived the State House, I felt this structure is so magnificent that I cannot help to stop to appreciate it for a while. We entered this building, and the grand marble-floored corridors astonished us. This time, we visited with a guided tour, so she helped us know more about the State House.
First, at the outside of Doric Hall, we saw the State House Model. It is almost the same as the building itself except the color of the dome. After the Model, we entered Doric Hall. As the guide introduced, Doric Hall contains statues, portraits and military artifacts reflecting many periods of Massachusetts history. Across the Doric Hall, it is Nurses Hall, because there is an Army war nurse and this was also the first statue erected in honor of the women of the North after the Civil War. The most impressive parts of this tour are House of Representatives and Senate Chamber. At the back of the House of Representatives, the only feeling is solemn. Representatives push the button on the desks to vote. Senate Chamber is very spacious, which is directly below the golden dome.

State house

After American Revolution, the American built the state house to reflect the prosperous new public better and expand the space of government bigger. Charles Bulfinch designed the new state house in Beacon Hill of Boston in 1798.
I was impressed deeply by the state house. The house is grand sight and majesty with gold roof outside. While, it is fantastic and amazing head sculpture of with outstanding people inside. The house looks like a little bit the splendour of a palace which attracted me. Visiting the state house helped me realizing the American history a lot and made me have a new impression of state house.
From my personal view, the most essential part of state house is the two women statues on the lawns of the state house-- Anne Hutchinson and Mary Dyer who influence the whole politics of American history. The women began to work in government and had effect in polity. It is the new start of American history and the transform of women life.
I learned a lot after visiting state house.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

State House

We have visited the Old State House three weeks ago, and this week we went to the State House. The teacher gave us a nice presentation of some important places. It is quiet different from the Old State House, it looks new, modern and beautiful, but it still keeps the main characteristics from the original appearance.
July 4th is the Independence Day of the United States and we got a continuous three-day holiday. My friends and I went to the newberries and chinatown to do some shoppings and we actually enjoyed these three days. The fireworks at night are really caught people's eyes.
This week will be short but busy and hopefully I will spend everyday happily. The tempreture in Boston is very high and god bless the air condition will not die as today at Ryder Hall and no one can bear with it any more.

old state house

At last Friday we went to the old state house.

The old house's condition is British government before the revolution, afterward held the post of federal the parliamentary building, national first place governor, John. Hancock. Is situated in the intersection two chief city streets, Townhouse, because of its predecessor, is the central Boston resident, the trade, the political life. In this unique stove once the highest spot town, building's outer wall, was situated the first place the lion and the imperial authority unicorn (the mark is pulled down, burns at "the Declaration of Independence" is reads the people to Boston from the building balcony in 1776. Some of the most significant events leading up to the Revolution took place inside and around this handsome Georgian structure, and many of the basic concepts underlying American government were first voiced within its walls. In its Assembly Hall, Samuel Adams urged resistance to taxation imposed without representation

It is a special place. So many remember was sealed in here. When we visited the state house a teacher a very warm-hearted introduces each one by one place and each accessories to us. The trip let us know a different point about the American. It is good for us know more about the USA good for us living here better

Monday, July 5, 2010

State House

Zhou jiayu
This weekend, I have a special experience, I visited the State House .
The Massachusetts State House, also called Massachusetts Statehouse or the "New" State House, is the state capitol and seat of government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is located at Boston in the Beacon Hillneighborhood. The building houses the Massachusett General Court (state legislature) and the offices of the Governor of Massachusetts.
Now, there is no people work at the State House, it becomes a museum, it an old-line museum. But though my eyes, it is not just a museum, it also represents the government of Massachusetts and the the testimony of history of U.S.. It is really a great bulding, although the facilities inside is so rancio, from the facilities we can find the sequence of the government is arranged in good order at that time, and the enviroment og the State House is slience.
After the trip, I appreciate how majestic of the American government, and let me know much about the history of America, it is a significative trip.

Field Trip to the Massachusetts State House

This Friday,we went to the Massachusetts State House , also known as “Massachusetts Statehouse” or the "New" State House”. It located in located at Boston,in the beacon Hill. Walking along the corridor,I saw so many the portraits of Massachusetts governors and murals on the wall. They revealed me the history in Massachusetts State,and the development of Massachusetts government. Today, it is still used by governors who have meetings,such as cmeeting with the Senate and House of Representatives. I also took a lot of pictures there, in order to help me imagine the situation when having a meeting. This tirp left me a deep impression, making me learn a lot about American State house, and history. I was so happy.


The Independence Day is on July 4th, and this Sunday, I went to enjoy the fireworks. We did not know that the main place of fireworks performance was near a company which supported it. However, we were also satisfied with fireworks near Newbury Street. Someone told me that the fireworks would be started at eight p.m. I went there at 7.30 p.m. Unfortunately, we could not enter the island which is a best place to watch.
8 p.m. was coming. However, I found that it was not dark and just the dusk. I knew that I need to wait for a long time. The hope was lighted when I asked the police the starting time. He told me it was 9.15 p.m. I began to wait for so long. After that, I was disappointed about him, because after 9.15 p.m. there were no fireworks. I was near to crazy.
I could not watch the fireworks until 10.30 p.m. However, it just lasted thirty minutes. I watched some fireworks like hearts. A lot of people, including me, were so excited. The fireworks performed with the rhythm of music and we were also dancing. It was a fireworks show and also the concert.

the State House

Last Friday, I visited the State House with my classmates. The State House was built in 1700’s on Beacon Hill and besides the Boston Common. Particularly, many significant announcements were published, and some congresses were convened in here. And it makes me felt a solemn atmosphere around here.
My favorite part is House of Representatives, which on the third floor. In this room, there are many pictures about revolution. I can imagine that many senators around here and discussed some proposals. However, it was my first time to visit the meeting place of government. I was most impressive on the classical and stately of House of Representatives.
Moreover, Senate Reception Room with old fashion is luxurious room. It is spacious that can contain a number of people. Actually, this room is diminutive meeting room. But I think it is like a retiring room, which some people can take sites around one desk, and more relax than in House of Representatives.
After visited to State House, I walked around Boston Common. There were good weather to wander.