Tuesday, August 3, 2010

MIT museum

Last Friday, we visited MIT Museum. There is an amazing place with many high technologies. The first floor is photoelectric effects, which has many beautiful projections and pictures. There are some pictures which are Einstein if you see the picture in front of it. However, if you see the picture for a long distance, you will see different people in the pictures.
The high technology promotes the development of society. It speeds up the development of digitalize to make our lives easy. About me, I just feel it is interesting because of the robots and pictures. Besides, I fund the alarm clock which I only saw it on magazines in China. It is very cute and useful that I wanted to buy one.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The trip to Harvard University

Last Friday, I went to the trip to Harvard University. In my mind, going to Harvard University is one the biggest dream in my life. Because when I was very young, my mother had told me that if I can go to study in Harvard University one day, it means that I am a very talent person. Today, even though I am not studying in the Harvard and merely go to visit Harvard University, I think I can enjoy the situation which is the symbol of the best education among the world.

Harvard University (officially The President and Fellows of Harvard College) is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Established in 1636 by the colonial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the first corporation chartered in the United States and oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. The university currently comprises ten separate academic units. Harvard has the largest financial endowment of any school in the world, standing at $26 billion as of September 2009. Harvard is consistently ranked as a leading academic institution in the world by numerous media and academic rankings.( Wekipedia)

The Black Heritage Trail

On this Friday, I went on the Black Heritage Trail and I had done a presentation there. This time, my presentation was about the Phillips school.

The Phillips School, which occupies a prominent location on the corner of Pinckney and Anderson Streets, was built between 1823 and 1825. The architecture of this building is typical of 19thcentury Boston schools. The building was first used by the English High School, but it was converted to a grammar school in 1844. The grammar school was named after the first mayor of Boston, John Phillips, who was the father of famed abolitionist Wendell Phillips.( Boston African American)

I think this presentation was totally different from the last one, because it was so hot and noisy for doing the presentation about downtown crossing last time. And during this presentation, the temperature was very nice and the situation around us was silence. It was so good for me to do this presentation and I felt very well.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Federal Reserve Bank______by Tony

Last Friday, we wen to the Federal Reserve Bank which i was also expected to. Because my major is Accounting and Finance, which is connected with Banking system. I had a big interest on this trip and i was fully passionate.
The Federal Reserve Bank in Boston has a enormous building which matches its significant function in the banking system. We listened to a presatation in the underfloor of that building. I was curious about what exactly is in this mainly government owned bank, but the pity was that we could not enter the working places or even have a look.
In the presatation, we have been told that this bank was first created in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. It can response a series of banking financial panics in case of an financial crisis or unecpected event. Event such as Great Recession or Depression were major foctors leading to changes in the system. Its duties today, according to the authorization of the Congress, are to conduct the nation's monetary policy by influencing monetary and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of maximum employment, stable prices level, and moderate long-term interest rate. Otherwise, it is able to supervise and regulate the commercial bank institutions to ensure the safty and soundness of the nation's banking and financial system. Furthermore, it also mantains stability of the financial system and contain systemic risk that may arise in financial market. Finally, it provides financial services to depository institutions, the U.S government, and foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating nation's payments system.
I really enjoted this trip and i believe all of our classmates were appreciated. Because we all learned lot of new knowledge about American banking system and some financial information.Thanks a lot to our Professor.


I did not went to the Friday trip to Harverd because I must attended a important meeting last week.

Although I could not went to Harverd with my group, but I also visted it when I came to the US. So it was not a pity that I missed the trip.

I can not express Harverd in my own words, it was long time before and I almost forgot it, and also did not which place they visited in harverd in the Trip.

Black Heritage Trail--Karen

We had a long trip in the Friday trip two weeks ago. We walked long across many famous House and did presentation for them.

We started in 1:oo p.m and it was a hot day. We should walk around a big area and sometimes we almost went a wrong way.

In the short break time, I just went to 7-11 to buy some drink with my friends, when we came out, our group was disappered. we try to found them, because of the high temperture and the strange way, we almost given up. But at last, we also found them. Thank goodness.

I do not like a trip in a hot day, it may broing.

The Massachusetts State House--Karen

The magnificent setting of our state government for over two centuries has become an outstanding museum reflecting the history of Massachusetts since colonial times. Of couse, the State House is also avital place of work for the leadership who guide the state today.

Three weeks ago, I also went there for a visit in the Friday trip. The security check also very strict. Attended the State House, our tutor leaded us and listened to speech by the staff in the State House.
We visted around the State House and taken pictures. It also was a interesting trip.